Strategic problem solving is a key skill that many business leaders, innovators and change makers are looking to improve. I can see this in my research, and hear this from clients and members. These skills have become particularly important as the world becomes more complex. Professionals are starting to understand that you cannot simply transplant “best practices” into a new context and hope that it works. It is most likely that it won’t. You need flexible problem solving skills that you can apply to any challenge.

I think you’ll find these strategic problem solving tips useful.

3 ideas for improving your strategic problem solving

  1. Draw visual diagrams – If you missed last week’s edition, read how to improve your strategic planning, with a visual technique to “unravel the spaghetti”. Co-create this with your team.
  2. Write things down – this is a useful technique for clearing your headspace. This frees you up for better problem solving by removing the cognitive strain on your short term memory. Write down your “to do” lists, things you are thinking about (even your dreams), your worries, your ideas. I have 1,417 notes on my iPhone, synced to my Mac. Such a great way to Turbocharge my productivity, so easy to find what I need.
  3. Want a free toolkit? Recently, an ex McKinsey colleague of mine based in New York, Will Bachman, shared a toolkit for McKinsey-style problem solving. Here is a link to Will’s post with instructions to request a copy from him.If you’d like to know how to approach problem solving McKinsey-style, I cover this in the Turbocharge membership. My live masterclasses are one hour express on Zoom each month, designed for busy people. Or catch the recordings in the membership hub.

For more free tips, see my new YouTube channel. Don’t forget to like and subscribe. 👇


Quote of the week

“We don’t rise to the level of our goals. We fall to the level of our systems.” James Clear.


Please help me reach my goal of 10,000 subscribers. Think about who else will benefit from this article and forward it to them.Keep turbocharging with human-centred strategy 😊🌱📈

PS Turbocharge your strategic influence 😊🌱📈

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About Lisa Carlin

Lisa Carlin is a Strategy Execution Specialist.  She works with business leaders to plan and execute their strategies in tough environments.  Her clients love having her expertise and guidance to navigate their workplace culture and use AI to achieve success.

Lisa created The Turbochargers Hub, so leaders can master the art of strategic influence and generate momentum for organizational change.

Lisa is author of the globally acclaimed newsletter, Turbocharge Weekly, read by 8,000 business leaders.

Lisa’s career includes roles at McKinsey and Accenture, then running her own business since 1999.  Over this time she has delivered over 50 implementations with a 96% success rate.

Written by Lisa Carlin for FutureBuilders:

Turbocharge Weekly Newsletter

Sign-up for the globally-acclaimed “Turbocharge Weekly” newsletter, read by almost 8,000 leaders globally. 3 tips in under 3 minutes to accelerate your strategic projects