A Merchandising Manager recently emailed me this strategy question:

“I signed up for your newsletter as strategy is one of the areas I’m looking to grow. ……. I’m curious to hear what you would recommend to someone who wants to show up as strategic thinker and doer to others?

At (company name removed for privacy) that is often feedback many people receive along their career path: to be more strategic.”

Great question – many people in the Turbocharge Hub are building this exact skill – thinking strategically and influencing action at scale. I offer 3 tips below.

FYI These articles contain <5% of the ideas will you get if you join Turbocharge Hub

3 tips for standing out as a Strategic Leader

  1. Show up as a strategic thinker –Stand back and look at overall context – how does that influence your situation? Demonstrate that you understand the context. Describe items in terms of the big picture first. Avoid honing in on the detail too soon.
  2. Show up as a “doer” – this is all about getting stuff done at scale. You can do this by converting your strategies into mini projects. Prioritize and focus on the strategic projects that have the biggest bang for the buck.
  3. Be a faster, more creative thinker and doer – use AI tools to boost your productivity – you will be surprised how much more you can get done. It won’t take long to get up to speed. See the the CEO Guide to AI.

Your strategic plans demonstrate your ability to combine strategic thinking and strategic action. Here’s a 60 second video clip on strategic planning.


Global Strategy Panel – are you in?


Don’t miss this one-off discussion with global strategy experts.   Featuring Will Bachman, Rob McLean AM, Alex MH Smith, chaired by Lisa Carlin. Sponsored by Women on Boards.This free Zoom is on Thursday, July 25, 2024, 10am GMT London, 5am EST in New York, 7pm AEST in Sydney.

Don’t miss this one-off discussion with global strategy experts.   Featuring Will Bachman, Rob McLean AM, Alex MH Smith, chaired by Lisa Carlin. Sponsored by Women on Boards.This free Zoom is on Thursday, July 25, 2024, 10am GMT London, 5am EST in New York, 7pm AEST in Sydney.

Click here to secure your spot. If the time doesn’t suit you, register anyway and you’ll receive the video recording. Then click here  to repost this on LinkedIn and stand out as a Strategic Leader!


Quote of the week

“ Leverage makes you superhuman. Leveraging automations. Leveraging AI. Leveraging community.”

Greg Isenberg, serial entrepreneur


Keep turbocharging with a culture-friendly approach 😊🌱📈

PS Turbocharge your strategic influence 😊🌱📈

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About Lisa Carlin

Lisa Carlin is a Strategy Execution Specialist.  She works with business leaders to plan and execute their strategies in tough environments.  Her clients love having her expertise and guidance to navigate their workplace culture and use AI to achieve success.

Lisa created The Turbochargers Hub, so leaders can master the art of strategic influence and generate momentum for organizational change.

Lisa is author of the globally acclaimed newsletter, Turbocharge Weekly, read by 8,000 business leaders.

Lisa’s career includes roles at McKinsey and Accenture, then running her own business since 1999.  Over this time she has delivered over 50 implementations with a 96% success rate.

Turbocharge Weekly Newsletter

Sign-up for the globally-acclaimed “Turbocharge Weekly” newsletter, read by almost 8,000 leaders globally. 3 tips in under 3 minutes to accelerate your strategic projects