You can turbocharge your strategic projects with Human-Centered Strategy to fast track your progress or prevent any forms of resistance from happening.

I find that most people leading or working on strategic projects are keen to expedite them, but are not sure how to do so. They are faced with resistance, inertia, disinterest, or politicking, and don’t know how to get around this.

Or better yet, prevent different forms of resistance from happening in the first place. Creating a PULL effect, where the people around you are leaning in towards the change and wanting to be involved.

This is where our Culture-Friendly Strategy approach excels, as shown in the framework below. I’ve used and refined this approach for the last 25 years in my work with the FutureBuilders team. It is based on Human-Centered Design principles where employees, customers, and stakeholders are at the centre of strategic planning. Importantly, it includes a holistic, strategic perspective including:

  • Business strategy – to give you precision in where you’re headed

  • Project management – to give you traction

  • Change management – to give you momentum


  • Culture – to navigate workplace culture successfully.

Without the 4 ingredients above, strategy cannot be successfully executed. I’ve seen this on over 50 improvement programs I’ve worked on, and it is true every time. With this in mind, below are 3 tips to get started with a Culture-Friendly approach.

3 tips to get started

  1. Get out of the dark room – this means identifying your stakeholders and involving them in your strategy process early, rather than doing this behind closed doors. More here.
  2. Co-design your solutions – ask your stakeholders for their ideas when you’re developing your strategy, you will be surprised. There are ways to do this without losing control over the process. See strategy is not democratic here.
  3. Understand your culture to navigate it, not just change it – See some of my YouTubes on this, such as this 60 second clip. Please forward this to others you think will find this useful.


Quote of the week

“Learning is how you evolve.”

Adam Grant


Keep turbocharging with a culture-friendly approach 😊🌱📈

PSS Not sure how to get your strategy unstuck, projects powering, and transformation turbocharged? I can help you.

  1. 🌱 For more ideas, playbooks, and to learn from others with similar challenges, join our Turbocharge community at the price of a coffee a day. Money back in 14 days if you’re not satisfied.
  2. 🌱🌱 Email me to book your 1on1 mentoring session to fast track your strategy execution.

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Written by Lisa Carlin for FutureBuilders:

About Lisa Carlin

Lisa specialises in accelerating strategic projects.  She has pioneered a Culture-Friendly approach which she has used to deliver and guide executives through over 50 transformation programs. Her early career was with McKinsey and Accenture. In 1999, she started her own business (now part of FutureBuilders), working with prestigious global organizations and B2B Tech.  Lisa is Founder of the Turbocharge Hub, which provides frameworks, tools and training to business leaders who want to be future-ready and fast-track implementation of change initiatives.

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