You’re invited to the AI Strategy Mavericks Global Panel: Practical Ways to Fast Track AI Strategies.

You’ll get immediately useful ideas in this fast-paced complimentary Zoom discussion.

Drive Business Value with Strategic AI

AI offers exciting potential, but I keep hearing from CEOs and executives that they’re unsure about how to best tackle AI. Some efforts have slowed or stalled due to data privacy concerns and other risks.

Following the success of last year’s Strategy Mavericks panel, I’m hosting our next global panel on “Practical Ways to Fast Track AI Strategies”. We will dive into actionable insights that you can use to drive your business forward with AI while mitigating the risks.

Featuring 3 well-regarded AI expert panellists:

  • Sandy Carter, based in San Francisco, COO, ex AWS, ex IBM , and CNN Top 10 Women in Tech
  • Maria Santacaterina, based in London, Board Advisor, Author and ex CEO
  • Lynn Warneke, based in Melbourne, Chair and Non-Executive Director, ACS AI Ethics Committee, Chief Executive Women
  • Chaired by Lisa Carlin, Strategy Execution Specialist, ex McKinsey, ex Accenture, CEO/Founder of The Turbochargers.

Please register here to attend the panel event via Zoom.

Also you can join the LInkedIn event list and see who else is attending.

Don’t miss the Pre-Panel Dialogue

In the lead-up to this event, you can be part of the Pre-Panel asynchronous dialogue with CEOs, executives and board members. Think of this as an iterative survey on steroids which will give you an under-the-hood sneak-peak into how executive “collective intelligence” can be augmented by AI.

You get to have your say anonymously, then you’ll see what other executives think about AI, and you’ll discover what AI thinks about AI.  We’ll debrief your and your peers input at the live Zoom panel.

Look out for a second email from me shortly: AI Strategy Mavericks Pre-Panel Dialogue. I am sending it from an AI tool for strategic dialogues called CircleLytics ACI, which stands for Augmented Collective Intelligence.

Please forward this to other Board Directors or executives who are interested in leading-edge insights.

I can’t wait for you to be part of this exciting AI experiment, and discover unique insights into how AI is changing businesses for the better.

Read last week’s 3 tips in case you missed out.

Add our new Turbocharge Weekly email address to your address book to ensure you receive it.

Quote of the week

On the topic of AI: “The gap between science fiction and realization

seems to be shrinking.” 

Scott Belsky, Adobe’s Chief Strategy Officer, entrepreneur, investor, author

Thanks for reading Turbocharge Weekly. 😊🌱📈

PS Turbocharge your strategic influence 😊🌱📈

Join The Turbochargers Hub to use AI in your strategic projects

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About Lisa Carlin

Lisa Carlin is a Strategy Execution Specialist.  She works with business leaders to plan and execute their strategies in tough environments.  Her clients love having her expertise and guidance to navigate their workplace culture and use AI to achieve success.

Lisa created The Turbochargers Hub, so leaders can master the art of strategic influence and generate momentum for organizational change.

Lisa is author of the globally acclaimed newsletter, Turbocharge Weekly, read by 8,000 business leaders.

Lisa’s career includes roles at McKinsey and Accenture, then running her own business since 1999.  Over this time she has delivered over 50 implementations with a 96% success rate.

Turbocharge Weekly Newsletter

Sign-up for the globally-acclaimed “Turbocharge Weekly” newsletter, read by almost 8,000 leaders globally. 3 tips in under 3 minutes to accelerate your strategic projects