According to Inc, 9% of the goals we set are actually implemented. This is almost as bad as the proportion of strategy execution failure!


Are you thinking about your goals for 2024 as this year comes to an end?

Can you guess what proportion of our goals that we set are actually implemented? Inc says its around a 9% success rate.

Pretty dismal. (Almost as bad as the proportion of strategy execution failure!).

Read on and let’s see if we can beat these odds.

Types of goals

Think about the different types of goals you can set. Here are some types to prompt your brainstorming:

  • Business – financial, culture, your team, projects, innovation, products
  • Your own work focus: type of work you want, type of clients/customers
  • Career
  • Learning
  • Personal – Financial, family, social, community, volunteering
  • Well-being – physical health, spiritual, happiness

Set your goals in 3 steps:

  1. Brainstorm all the goals you would love to accomplish, across any of the above categories. Make notes on your phone or wherever you can access easily. Do this over several days. Keep adding to the list. Think about EVERYTHING you’d like to do. This will help you de-clutter your brain.
  2. Then chose 3 achievable, realistic goals. Just 3. The process of prioritizing what you really, really want to do will help you FOCUS.
  3. Write your top 3 goals on paper and pin them to your wall or fridge where you will see them daily: there is something tactile about writing things down that helps, even for digitally-oriented people like me.

Clients, partners and sponsors

In the spirit of saving time and turbocharging work, I love the software that I use to run my business and produce this newsletter. Tekmatix is a software platform for entrepreneur-creators that combines a newsletter, CRM, workflow, funnels, checkouts, memberships, course creation, AI, appointment booking and more. Created by the dynamic Sarah Cordiner. If you’re building a business to monetize your IP or thinking about a side-hustle over the holiday period, try the 14 day trial with my link.


Quote of the week

“Until we can manage time, we can manage nothing else.” Peter Drucker, legendary management author.


If you find this article useful, please forward it to others who will benefit.

If your goals include growing your transformation and innovation impact at scale, join your tribe, the Turbocharge membership at the price of a coffee a day. This is for future-oriented thinkers who want to change the ecosystem. Absolutely NOT for focusing on business as usual.

Keep turbocharging, keep growing 😊🌱📈

PS Turbocharge your strategic influence 😊🌱📈

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About Lisa Carlin

Lisa Carlin is a Strategy Execution Specialist.  She works with business leaders to plan and execute their strategies in tough environments.  Her clients love having her expertise and guidance to navigate their workplace culture and use AI to achieve success.

Lisa created The Turbochargers Hub, so leaders can master the art of strategic influence and generate momentum for organizational change.

Lisa is author of the globally acclaimed newsletter, Turbocharge Weekly, read by 8,000 business leaders.

Lisa’s career includes roles at McKinsey and Accenture, then running her own business since 1999.  Over this time she has delivered over 50 implementations with a 96% success rate.


Written by Lisa Carlin for FutureBuilders:

Turbocharge Weekly Newsletter

Sign-up for the globally-acclaimed “Turbocharge Weekly” newsletter, read by almost 8,000 leaders globally. 3 tips in under 3 minutes to accelerate your strategic projects