Turbocharge Weekly Newsletter

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Recent feedback:

“Great reading. Love the simplicity and pragmatic approach to driving strategic change that consulting firms typicallytry and make opaque and complex!” Anon.

“Excellent read. It’s a timely, spot-on article that speaks to me as project change lead. Like me trying to manage and make sense of competing leaders latest and new thing goals and strategies.” Anon.

“Love the practical and bite-size tips Lisa. Simplifying the message always shows true expertise in the field.” Anon.

“Your words of wisdom usually give me something to pause and think about, Lisa. And seem to sometimes arrive just when I need to hear them.” Melissa Stanton, Data specialist, Australia

Turbocharge Weekly Newsletter

Sign-up for the globally-acclaimed “Turbocharge Weekly” newsletter, read by almost 8,000 leaders globally. 3 tips in under 3 minutes to accelerate your strategic projects